Is a Chiropractor a Doctor?

Is a Chiropractor a Doctor?

Whether you are considering studying to become a chiropractor or wanting to understand their role in the medical sector, it can be important to understand their position in the medical sector. The short answer about whether a chiropractor is a medical doctor is no. Chiropractors do not need a medical degree to treat patients because they are classed as licensed practitioners who can work on patients and perform spinal adjustments. To complete their education, a chiropractor has to complete a four-year degree, along with an internship.

A chiropractor is a licensed practitioner who has the opportunity to specialize in different areas of their chosen medical profession. Before expanding their knowledge into different medical sectors, a chiropractor must meet state licensing requirements. These requirements are found in every state of the union and include achieving a degree from an accredited school. The first step for any student hoping to become a chiropractor is to complete a four-year undergraduate degree. The degree being taken should include two years of sciences followed by a chiropractic degree. A total of 15 programs are available at 18 locations across the U.S. that will provide you with an accredited degree.

The most popular way forward for a chiropractor is to complete their undergraduate education with a degree in human biology. The human biology degree will be the first of two and is usually followed by the completion of a chiropractic degree between three and four years later. The initial step towards becoming a chiropractor is to find a degree course leading to your choice of a chiropractic degree. Some accredited schools have developed combined degrees offering a B.S. and D.C. you can study for concurrently.

Continuing Chiropractic Education

The next step in tackling the educational requirements to become a chiropractor is to complete the national boards needed to achieve licensing. When you are studying at college, you will often complete the first part of your national board certification as a requirement for completing your degree.

A degree is required to move onto the next step in your education, which will include the completion of a four-year chiropractic course. As you make your way through your four-year chiropractor course, the completion of hands-on clinical classes will give you experience in spinal adjustments. A one-year internship is a requirement for passing your national boards in the U.S. The requirement for an internship is to find a licensed chiropractor willing to share their knowledge and patients with you as you learn about the role.

There are more than 100 techniques and specialties for a chiropractor to learn about. Among these specialties are:

  • Orthopedics
  • Neurology
  • Sports Medicine
  • Rehabilitation

The majority of the expert specialties are chosen by a chiropractor after they have completed their initial degree. The post-graduate studies undertaken by a chiropractor can take them to a specific endpoint in their career. A chiropractor who has completed their postgraduate education will find their options expand because they are required by individual states to complete educational credits. Several states require up to 40 hours of continuing education to be completed by a chiropractor who has earned a postgraduate degree.

The options open to a chiropractor when they are looking to study for a postgraduate degree are many. The ability to study for a postgraduate degree is available while a chiropractor is in private practice and earning their living. If you have qualified as a chiropractor and wish to continue with your studies, you can continue to learn as you work.

Working as a chiropractor takes a lot of planning, which most professionals begin long before they have completed their initial education. The planning stages of the education of a chiropractor begin when they are still studying for their degree. Chiropractors need to be aware of the state they wish to work in and ensure they study at a college accredited in their state. The local chapters of student chiropractors and chiropractors provide excellent information for you if you’re looking for the best ways of moving forward with your career. Your chiropractic college will be able to provide you with access to business organizations in your area to help you start your own private practice.

When you are ready to learn more about the chiropractic experience, call our office at 205-637-1363.

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