Is Treatment for Scoliosis Easier in Younger People?

Is Treatment for Scoliosis Easier in Younger People?

If your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis, it can be frightening. The future is filled with unknowns. You have images of braces and extensive surgeries bombarding you. Your child means the world to you. You will do everything in your power to help your son or daughter to deal with a potentially debilitating condition. Starting treatment at the earliest age possible could lead to the most promising outcome. Scoliosis treatment tends to be easier in younger people.

Understanding Scoliosis

When you hear the word scoliosis, a curvature of the spine is the first thing that comes to mind. The curve could resemble a C or an S. The cause of scoliosis is not clear. In rare circumstances, children are born with a congenital condition that causes an irregular curvature of the spine. In other cases, health conditions can trigger scoliosis. The most common form of scoliosis, known as idiopathic scoliosis, tends to affect young girls. They may be diagnosed as early as ten or as late as eighteen. Sudden growth spurts and issues with posture may lead to a change in the shape of the spine in this point.

Starting Treatment at the Earliest Stages is Recommended

Medical professionals closely monitor the degree of curvature in scoliosis patients. If your child’s curvature reaches 25 degrees, treatment will be recommended. Otherwise, it will progress as your child gets older. If the curvature becomes severe, treatment options become more extreme. The typical response is to surgically insert rods and screws along the spine in order to stabilize it, stopping the curve. You have other options for your child if the condition has been discovered at a milder stage.

Focusing on Alternative Treatments

While it is more common to diagnose scoliosis in the teen years, your pediatrician may bring it up when your child is younger. You may even be told to wait and watch to see what happens. In truth, the best thing you can do for your child is start treatment as soon as possible. In the majority of scoliosis cases, the condition will only become more severe as time goes by. Your main goal should be to avoid major surgery. Non-invasive treatment options are available to improve the position of your child’s spine and posture.

Beating the Curve

Most patients with scoliosis were not born with an abnormal spine. It is as if the brain sends the body the wrong message about posture. Even if you tell your child to stand up straight, your child will go back to an incorrect posture out of habit. The best treatment will actually retrain the brain. Techniques will focus on correcting the neuromuscular system. Your child will perform exercises that will strengthen the muscles and the spine. Over time, your child’s posture will improve. You’ll also see improvements in the position of your child’s spine in follow-up x-rays. Your child’s condition will be monitored regularly to see what progress has been made with an innovative treatment plan. The goal is to stop the curvature of the spine and improve its position at the earliest age possible.

Avoid Braces and Surgery

A brace is a go-to solution provided by most physicians. However, braces are uncomfortable. They don’t teach your child proper posture or strengthen the spine. All to often, they do not stop the progression of the condition either. Major surgery and a lengthy recovery is the end result. You may be able to spare your child more suffering by being proactive. Open the door to the possibility of a non-invasive approach to correct your son or daughter’s condition. Whether you have been given a scoliosis diagnosis at an early age or when your child is a teenage, explore treatment options. Most importantly, don’t delay treatment.

We’re Here to Help

At Interactive Chiropractic, we are here to help you find solutions for your child. We will begin by evaluating your child’s condition to tailor a personalized treatment plan. We offer a variety of treatment options, including a cantilever vibe, scoliosis chair, and flexion distraction. Let us work closely with your child to find the best way to stop the curve. It is our goal to give your child the strength and techniques needed to improve posture without surgery. Contact us today at 205-637-1363 to make an appointment for a consultation. Open the door to creative therapy that can have a positive impact on your child’s scoliosis.

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