What Are My Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Options?

What Are My Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Options?

Scoliosis is a medical condition that describes an abnormal curvature of the spine. It occurs in both children and adults. In adults, it tends to tag a lot of discomforts as the condition continues to develop if left untreated. Surgical intervention is outlined as a treatment aimed at resolving severe scoliosis, but it isn’t the only treatment solution. If the medical examinations confirm that you are developing scoliosis, your doctor will take you through several non-invasive treatment options and leave out surgery as a last resort. Here are a few.


Curvatures that range between 25º to 30º are categorized as mild curves and typically don’t need treatment. They are described as easily manageable. In such a case, doctors will recommend the “watching, waiting, and observing” approach on numerous check-ups. Observation is recommended mostly on kids whose conditions don’t seem to progress past the mentioned degrees of curvature. Doctors prefer examining the status of the spine every four to six months so that they can determine the need for additional treatments. It also ensures early treatment before the child progresses with the condition to adulthood.


Back braces are designed to help stop the progression of the curve. If a curve measures more than 20 degrees and less than 40, the doctor might deem back braces as the right fit to treating scoliosis. Braces don’t necessarily correct the curvature, but they contribute in the halting the curve from growing bigger. Normally, back braces are most effective on kids and teens whose spines are still growing. Your child will wear these back braces at least 16 to 23 hours daily until their bones stop growing. The goal here is to contain the size of the curve to eliminate probable surgery treatments in the future.

Chiropractic attention

Chiropractors are professionals trained to alleviate pain through improving the functionality of the spine, muscles, and ligaments. Scoliosis puts pressure on the spinal nerve, which may trigger backaches and other discomforts. In relieving the discomfort, your condition will be managed adequately. Your doctor of chiropractic care may recommend chiropractic techniques such as spinal manipulation, stretches, exercises, and weight management to help contain scoliosis effects.


Scoliosis treatments aim at stopping the progression of the condition. Exercises will help manage scoliosis indirectly. Firstly, it’s important not to exert any unwanted pressure on the spine. Maintaining a healthy weight throughout enables you to keep unwanted pressured off the backbone, maintaining the curvature at manageable sizes. Secondly, activities such as walking and running, keep your bones healthy. With stronger bones, your spine will not bow down to pressure, eventually stopping the progression of scoliosis. Some exercises such as yoga have proven to improve mobility through stretching, which deals with the spine condition effectively.

Pain relief medication

As earlier stated, scoliosis tags pain and discomfort, and part of the solution involves eradicating the pain. Painkillers such as ibuprofen are easily accessible and can be sourced from pharmacies and supermarkets without a prescription. However, your doctor should know of these treatment options and their impact on the pain. Should the pain be too severe, your doctor could prescribe stronger pain killers or refer you to a pain management specialist.

Acupuncture and physical therapy

Acupuncture utilizes small, fine needles to stimulate numb or aching body parts as well as create energy and blood flow in the body. It alleviates back pain, which is a severe problem among patients with scoliosis. On the other hand, physical therapy aims at improving the shape of the body and stopping further advancements of the spine’s curvature. It is also designed specially for scoliosis patients to help them offset the effects of the spinal condition. With time, physical therapy should help you walk with a proper posture, look straighter, and reduce pain and discomfort.

Dietary solutions

Unhealthy diets contribute to low or unbalanced mineral and neurotransmitter levels in the body that may contribute to scoliosis advancement. Your doctor should provide a nutritional plan that contains food essential in helping you battle with scoliosis. Such diets should improve the strength of your bones and muscles. With stronger muscles, your spine should hold in proper position and put scoliosis progression to a halt.

All these treatments will not correct the curvature of the spine. However, with the right execution and expertise, they should stop the condition from progressing to a wider curvature. Call us to talk to our doctors for all your scoliosis consultation and treatment needs at 205-637-1363.

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