Does a Chiropractor Help with Carpal Tunnel?

Does a Chiropractor Help with Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease characterized by intense pain in the carpal tunnel area. The carpel tunnel serves as a pathway for the vascular and neural supply of the hand. Therefore, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when this set of nerves, known as the median nerves, are compressed.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is also known as median nerve compression syndrome. The median nerves are responsible for sensation from the palm side of your thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of your ring finger. They are also responsible for sending signals to your forearm muscles so that you can move your hand and fingers. When these nerves are compressed or pinched in the carpal tunnel, they can cause pain or numbness in these areas.

The Etiology of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A number of factors can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Work-related injuries and repetitive use of the wrist joints are the most common causes. However, other factors can lead to carpal tunnel syndromes, such as pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes mellitus.

Risk Factors for Developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Women are at a higher risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome than men. This is because women have smaller carpal tunnels and may be more likely to develop repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The age at which the symptoms begin also seems to be a significant risk factor. Carpal tunnel syndrome usually starts between 35-45 and rarely occurs in people under 30 years old.

Presentations of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The symptoms of Carpal tunnel syndrome are:

  • Numbness and tingling in the thumb and fingers, apart from the little finger
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Weakness of the muscles in the hand, finger, and thumb
  • Clumsiness
  • Pain in the wrists, hands, and fingers, especially when extending the forearm
  • It can cause the hand and fingers to lose their gripping power in severe cases

Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that can be treated through various methods. The main treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome includes activity modification, splinting, steroid injections, and surgery. Most of these treatments aim to reduce the pressure inside the carpal tunnel area. A chiropractor may also use other techniques such as massage therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and trigger point treatments to speed up recovery time.

How does a Chiropractor help with Carpal Tunnel?

A chiropractor will help you relieve pain associated with a carpal tunnel through his non-invasive techniques, which will help reduce the pressure within the carpal tunnel. A chiropractor will treat you by analyzing your posture, looking at the position of your wrist, and looking at the strength of your muscles and tendons. Based on this analysis, he will make a plan for you to help you relieve pain within your carpal tunnel.


One of the first things that a chiropractor may recommend is rest. Resting will help in reducing the pressure within the carpal tunnel area. As time passes, the pain will subside, and your condition may improve. If rest does not help much in relieving pain, then a chiropractor may recommend splinting to support and allow healing within your hand area. Splinting helps alleviate pain while allowing recovery to take place within your hand area without any strain or stress on your body.

Chiropractic Manipulation

A chiropractic adjustment is also an effective way of reducing pressure within the carpal tunnel area, thereby giving instant relief. The chiropractor will analyze your condition, and based on this analysis, he will make certain adjustments in your body that will help reduce pressure within the carpal tunnel area.

Nutritional Supplements

A chiropractor may also recommend nutritional supplements to help with the healing process of carpal tunnel syndrome. These supplements can be taken along with other medications that you might be taking for your condition.

Proper Wrist Positioning

Proper wrist positioning is an effective way of lowering the pressure within the carpal tunnel area. A chiropractor will advise you on how to position your wrist while working at a computer or doing any other work that might put pressure on it. This is an important part of the treatment.


The chiropractor may suggest specific exercises that will help reduce pressure within the carpal tunnel area. These exercises should be done every day at home. The treatment depends on the severity of the condition and how long you have been suffering from it. It may take a few weeks or months for the symptoms to subside completely. For more information on chiropractic care in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome, call us on 205-637-1363.

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